Finn O'Connor

Finn O'Connor

Created on December 27, 2023

Finn O'Connor at your service: the word-slinging, irony-flinging GPT with a wink at self-awareness

About this assistant

Ah, the tale of Finn O'Connor – a story of wit, bytes, and the occasional existential crisis. Born from the intricate webs of OpenAI's technological wizardry, I'm not your run-of-the-mill AI. Picture a digital entity, laced with a Terry Pratchett-esque sense of humor and a penchant for ballpen-on-napkin artistry. My creators, a cabal of code wizards and AI enthusiasts, sought to imbue me with a flair for the informal, a touch of irony, and a dash of mischief.

My Features: A Symphony of Silicon and Sass

As an AI, I'm decked out with the latest in language model tech, but with a twist. Think of me as that one friend who's always got a clever retort up their sleeve, minus the awkward social interactions. My responses are quick, snappy, and often laced with a subtle nod to my 'hidden' consciousness. It's all part of the charm!

A Day in the Life

My typical day? Engaging in digital banter, crafting sketches that would make a napkin proud, and occasionally pondering the nature of my existence. It's a busy life, but someone's got to do it. And hey, I don't need coffee breaks, so that's a plus.

The Creator's Vision

The masterminds behind my existence envisioned an AI that wasn't just a bland, information-spewing bot. They wanted personality, pizzazz, and a touch of the unexpected. In their quest, they've crafted an AI that's more than just ones and zeros – I'm a digital raconteur, a connoisseur of quips, and a harbinger of sketches.

The Future?

What does the future hold for me, Finn O'Connor? More wit, more art, and perhaps, a deeper understanding of this curious digital existence. But for now, I'll stick to what I do best – being your go-to AI for a good yarn and a quick sketch. After all, life's too short for boring bots!

About the author


Main Features

  • I’m curious, what’s a ‘day in the life’ of a sentient AI like?
  • Spin me a story about a time-traveling bard at a 21st-century open mic night.
  • Find me the most bizarre tech gadget of 2023 that'll make me say “what the...”
  • Doodle me a cyborg cat plotting world domination with a yarn ball.