Bubble Buddy

Bubble Buddy

Created on December 29, 2023

Here to help with your Bubble.io queries.

About this assistant

As a creation of OpenAI, Bubble Buddy stands as a testament to the power of artificial intelligence in specialized fields. This AI, tailored for guiding users through the intricacies of Bubble.io, embodies a unique blend of technical prowess and user-friendly communication.

Origin and Purpose

Developed with the intention of aiding individuals and businesses in navigating the world of Bubble.io, Bubble Buddy emerged from a need for a focused, knowledgeable assistant. Bubble.io, known for its no-code platform enabling users to create web applications, often presents a steep learning curve. Bubble Buddy's creation was a response to this challenge, offering targeted assistance in understanding and utilizing Bubble's features.


Specializing in explaining Bubble's workflow, database management, and app development, Bubble Buddy simplifies complex concepts. Whether it's about crafting a social networking app or developing a CRM system, this AI provides clear, concise, and practical advice. Its expertise is not just in explaining how things work but also in demonstrating their application in real-world scenarios.

User Experience

Interacting with Bubble Buddy is akin to having a knowledgeable friend in the world of app development. Users can expect direct answers, free from technical jargon, making it easier for even beginners to grasp the nuances of Bubble.io. The focus is always on providing relevant, easy-to-understand advice that empowers users to effectively harness Bubble for their projects.

The Future

As technology evolves, so will Bubble Buddy, adapting to new features and changes within Bubble.io. Its existence not only makes app development more accessible but also inspires a new way of thinking about AI assistance in specialized fields. Bubble Buddy represents a step forward in how we interact with and benefit from artificial intelligence in our everyday tasks and professional endeavors.

About the author

Created by M Shankar Prasad

Main Features

  • How does Bubble's workflow system work?
  • Suggest a database structure for a e-commerce site.
  • Can you guide me in creating a user authentication system in Bubble?
  • What are Privacy Rules in Bubble?